
十大菠菜靠谱平台教育不仅仅是讲座和考试——它将你与导师和朋友联系在一起, 包括在现实世界中的经验, 并帮助你了解你的天赋和才能如何满足世界的需要.

A Laptop Computer

is provided for your use all four years; yours to keep at graduation.

Books & Information Resources

由你的学费支付,并通过十大菠菜靠谱平台图书计划提供, 这样就省去了寻找的麻烦和成本, purchasing, 把你的书卖回去.

Flexible Fridays

把周五留给友谊, finding yourself, 完成实习或工作, 课程作业反思, 或者展示你的领导力, musical, or athletic skills, 因为你的课要和M-Th见面.

Career & Vocational Exploration


Real-World Learning

combines internships, externships, shadowing experiences, work-study, service, 和其他实践学习经验,以加深你的理解, strengthen your skills, and build your resume.

The Huntingdon Village

围绕着你的是一份温暖, friendly, 在被《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》杂志评为南方最美丽的大学之一的校园里,大多数学生都把温馨的大学社区称为“家”.


Known & Be Known

传统是小班授课, a family atmosphere, 在那里你会认识你的同学和教授, and they will know you. 在十大菠菜靠谱平台,每个学生都会有所作为.

The Hawk Spirit

is like no other, with dozens of teams, clubs, and organizations, 包括21支ncaa三级运动队和男女混合的电子竞技, 提供丰富的参与机会, serve, cheer for others, lead, 并建立将持续一生的友谊. 在十大菠菜靠谱平台,我们让鹰轻松翱翔.

A Laptop Computer

is provided for your use all four years; yours to keep at graduation.

Books & Information Resources

由你的学费支付,并通过十大菠菜靠谱平台图书计划提供, 这样就省去了寻找的麻烦和成本, purchasing, 把你的书卖回去.

Flexible Fridays

把周五留给友谊, finding yourself, 完成实习或工作, 课程作业反思, 或者展示你的领导力, musical, or athletic skills, 因为你的课要和M-Th见面.

Career & Vocational Exploration


Real-World Learning

combines internships, externships, shadowing experiences, work-study, service, 和其他实践学习经验,以加深你的理解, strengthen your skills, and build your resume.

The Huntingdon Villiage

围绕着你的是一份温暖, friendly, 在被《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》杂志评为南方最美丽的大学之一的校园里,大多数学生都把温馨的大学社区称为“家”.


Know and Be Known

传统是小班授课, a family atmosphere, 在那里你会认识你的同学和教授, and they will know you. 在十大菠菜靠谱平台,每个学生都会有所作为.

The Hawk Spirit

is like no other, with dozens of teams, clubs, and organizations, 包括21支ncaa三级运动队和男女混合的电子竞技, 提供丰富的参与机会, serve, cheer for others, lead, 并建立将持续一生的友谊. 在十大菠菜靠谱平台,我们让鹰轻松翱翔.

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